My wedding preparation so far has been awesome and fun! Especially when it comes to shopping. Hee. Last week, I drove my parents to Nilai to shop for bunga pahar, bunga telor, gift boxes and flowers for hantaran's decoration. There are a lot of items that we can choose from. I was in charged for the hantaran's decoration and so I spent most of my times at the artificial flowers area. The flowers are so pretty that makes me wanna buy them all! However, there were only 3 colours of flowers in my list. I bought 6 huge bouquets for each colours and some small flowers to compliment them. At first, I could carry them in my hand, but after half and hour, you can actually see me strolling down the counter with a trolley filled with flowers! Yes, I beli banyaaak because I just love them all.
Then, its PAY time.
Items by items were scanned.
The prices were getting bigger and bigger.
Then it reached RM1,000.
And the figure did not stop there.
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