Monday, 10 September 2012

Raya in the Office

So we had raya celebration with the Motors Group. Then we had another celebration with the whole Sime Darby Group. 

And now, we had another one.

Welcome to....
Sime Darby Motors Raya Pot Luck - Headquarters Style!

Our office booked a catering for the main dishes which mainly consists of nasi impit, rendang ayam, lemang, kuah kacang and satay! The staffs were expected to bring along more foods pot luck style. And yes, there were A LOT of foods!!! We had....

Swiss Roll Cake
Ice Cream
Kek Batik
Potato Salad
Rendang Daging
Carrot Cake (by me!)
Murtabak Bawang, Potato n Cheese
Kek Lapis
Roti Jala
Kari Ayam
Kuah Durian
Kuih Keladi
Cocktail Punch
Bread Butter Pudding

 The event started with a speech given by our beloved Agnes. She showed us some of the raya photos uploaded in the Motors Facebook page then the event continued with best dressed award. For the female, Sophia won by wearing a Lenga borrowed from Theyshini while for the male award won by Arif. 

Jelly-layered cake for the staff's birthday!

The pot luck foods

Datuk Lawrence giving his speech

Birthday celebration for the August and September born

Hui Shan, Theyshini and Sophia

Our lovable Hui Shan wearing Wanee's baju kurung

Foods ordered from the caterer

Me and Hui Shan
Well, I ate too much that I almost feel like vomiting. 
Alhamdulillah for the rezeki given to us.

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Maira Gall